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Jack 01.12.98 - 27.03.06

Jane, I am so very sorry. My heart goes out to you today. I am so very sad at your loss of darling Jack. xxx
Auntie Jane :) Please try and stop crying for awhile as Jack is here and he is fine and I will show him around and take good care of him :)

I have told many people about bunnies seeing things different from 2foots and really you should always celebrate :) Because thats what we do :)

You gave Jack everything and one day he will thank you again :) and until then, I wil take care of Jack for you 8)

Look after yourself

Scoot :)
Thank you for all your kind words. And thank you Scoot for being there to greet Jack at The Bridge. Whilst he was drifting off into his final sleep I told him to look out for you. I know you'll take care of him for me.
I took this piccie of Jack last night. He was tucking in to a piece of Apple. One of his favorite treats.
Jane x
Dear Jane, i think each and everyone of us can feel the pain you do right now, the pain of losing our precious babies is like nothing else, there are no words to describe it well except, empty, angry, numb and devestated. Jack had such a wonderful life with you and you and him have made some wonderful memories over the years, soon you will sit there and smile at all the fun things you did and this will give you a great comfort. Having lost Millie on Saturday i can fully appreciate the utter shock you must be feeling, although you knew Jack was poorley it never really prepares you for the end. I had a lovely chat with John from EE on saturday and he made me feel so much better about millie going to the bridge, he told me that Scoot would take care of him and i believe that with all my heart, one thing that has inspired me is that Scoot was so very important to so many people and his move to the bridge knocked us all sideways, he fought so valiantly and never expected our sympathy and tears only that we remember him for waht he was a gorgeous happy boy who gave to all and took nothing back, i am trying to do the same about millie and i hope that you will be able to do the same for Jack too, Scoot will take care of him, he will introduce him to so many new things and he will make sure he is able to tell you that he is still near whenever he can. Our thoughs are with you today xxxxxxxxxx

Jack wow what a wonderful life you had, so very loved and wanted by a very special mummy, the love you take with you from her will give you a light which will shine brightly in the dark sky and this will give your mum such comfort to know that your spirit is with her still. Have fun at the bridge enjoy the new smells, tastes and friends, live each day to its very fullest, make the best of everything and have the time of your life, kiss millie for me he is new to the bridge too so prehaps together you can make a new life, scoot will guide you and show you the way. Rest easy sweet gently boy, so handsome on earth and even more so at the bridge xxxxxxxxxxx
Binky free Jack, feel like I knew you after reading all Jane's threads.
Jane, so sorry for your loss.
Oh Jane im so sorry to hear you lost Jack - he will be at the bridge binkying free and tucking into as much apple as he can manage

Its absolutely heartbreaking losing a beloved pet, after all they are part of the family

Sending you huge hugs, im crying now myself

Binky Free Jack xxxxxxxxxxxx
jane ,

i was saddened to log on here and learn of jacks passing .
You have dedicated yourself to his welfare over the last few months and jack could not have asked for a better bunny mummy than you .
I know that the emptyness you feel right now is huge and the pain is unbearable , be kind to yourself and get lots of love from your other bunnies , they and us will carry you through this .
I,m sure that jack has been greeted by all our beloved babies that have passed over and if he develops a passion for mushy peas at rainbow bridge then you can thank my cheekybun for that .
He is now in a place where he has no struggles and has been restored to his youthful full health - where there is nothing but lush long grass and never ending days filled with sunshine and playmates . In the blink of jacks eye you will be together again - its a lifetime for us but no so long for them . I know that he will still be with you - death is nothing but a gate into a new place and death can never ever remove love or jack from your heart .
I so wish I could give you a huge hug right now and help you with what you are feeling.
god bless you and binky free jack- look after your mummy from above and gently nuzzle away her tears . xx