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Its official, Rimmi and Winter are in luuurvvveee!!

Rimmi: Tedday, dats not good boy... Santa is watching and hee wiw gives you coal!! And dats a borning black smelly rock! Blurgh!!

Teddy: He's brung me Rooby already as I was such a good boy dis year!! I won't get coals...but nommy carrots, narna's...ooooh and broccoggllli! I also finks I is getting a tent beeg enough fur me!!:D
Brill, I let them out for a play this evening, to start off with they werent interested in coming out!! Winter was a bit worried about the wooden floor but then they had a snuggle in his big box bed and were doing binkies... havent had any pee pees on the sofa yet... but Rimmi did have a poopie!! :no:
They are both sooo cute! Can't believe how quickly they have settled together :love::love:

Tbh i thought as Rimmi got lots of attention before that it might be a difficult one (like our spoilt little Timmy :lol:) but you have done a fantastic job with them :love::love:
They are both sooo cute! Can't believe how quickly they have settled together :love::love:

Tbh i thought as Rimmi got lots of attention before that it might be a difficult one (like our spoilt little Timmy :lol:) but you have done a fantastic job with them :love::love:

I thought it would be harder too, as he was such a spoilt bun that was so demanding etc.... I thought he would be aggressive about sharing, especially food and bed... but he hasnt! Maybe some of his demands for attention was a cry for a friend? Guess we'll never know but I am so happy that he is happy and so is Winter.

Was so great to see them binky today :love: