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It Makes Me So Mad!


Warren Scout
I have had three phone calls just this morning about people wanting rabbits.

Recently I took in 7 tiny baby rabbits of about 5 weeks old. They were in a housefire and the mum of them died meaning that the owner had to partly handrear them, meaning that they have the most wonderful temprements.

They are easy to handle, very sociable with other animals and are not going to grow huge. Our policy states that they cannot be homed singularly and that they have to be castrated when they are mature to stop them fighting. People do not have a problem with that.

Its when they ask what colour they are that they say no straight away. Albino's.

These are some of the most gorgeous bunnies that have been bought here for a long time and although they wouldn't be homed for another three weeks because of their age, people don't even want to come and have a look because of their colour!

It makes me furious!

Aw poor things. I really can't understand people not wanting a certain colour.
Post up some pictures - I bet someone will fall in love with them :D
Unfortunately some people cant see beyond the colour. They would rather have a "pretty" rabbit, that probably wouldn't be half as affectionate. Hand reared buns are always so much more friendly, for obvious reasons. My favourite bun of all time was hand reared, and if i had the chance to have another it really wouldn't matter what colour it was. I know that prob doesn't help, but not all of us are colour blind! x Jess
I had an albino rabbit when I was younger, she was called Minnie and came from a friend of my sisters. We chose 2, 1 black and white one and 1 all white one!

Do you have any pics of them??? You know how much we all like piccies!
It's very sad isn't it? I love any sort of bun :D . Salt is a REW and and he is beautiful, and a lovely nature. ANd it doesn't matter what they look like, as their character very soon shines through.
Hope they find the loving homes they deserve very soon. Piccies? Yes please!
Aww poor things, albinos are lovely. I own an albino looking hamster except her gray ears but they are lovely. What breed are the albino ones?
I had a huge bun named Lily who was an albino and she was the friendliest rabbit I've ever met, and the one with the most character. They don't know what they could be missing out on by rejecting these bunnykins purely over the colour of their fur and eyes!
I agree. That was a cruel and wicked trick, to complain about this issue and post up piccies!

It is dark now and I know that my camera will give them all red eye if I take pics now, but I will definately get some tomorrow during the day and let all go 'Awwww!'

It is a group of 7 boys, which makes it awkward for pairing.

aren't white rabbits meant to eb a symbol of good luck? or is taht me?

i love albinos i've had a na lbino budgie, and have six albino gerbils, but have already got sams new friend "on order" (a rescue bunny from rabbit rehome, named domino).

i knwo some people don't like red eyes and that puts them off, but in addition to them my lutino budgie has red eyes, my sable roan syrian has, and as do my foru argente campbells.....they really are not thats cary people!!!!infact i often have red eyes on the camera....would people pass me by because of it? :-(

i hope you manage to find the little boys some girlie friends soon.

having a pet is about lovinga pet, not about its colour. and well if they are hand friendly, what more do these people want? taming animals takes time, and if the jobs already done.....ok, i will pause for breath and stop my moaning now!
I cant understand it either, it really annoys me that red eyes put people off! Look forward to the pics :)
I really dont understand it :?

Scarlett is an albino lionhead, she was given to me by a girl who worked with my sister. She had got her as a gift from her boyfriend but was freaked out by her eyes :evil: :shock:

When I went to get her I was like oh she is beautiful and this girl was like oh just take her will you and said she was the ugliest rabbit she had ever seen. I nearly slapped her :shock:
I'm having that problem too. People just don't want to consider the REWs :? I took in 7 in one go a few months ago and they have the most wonderful characters. Really friendly both with people and other rabbits, not an agressive thought in their heads, but people, with one exception don't want to consider them. (Sylvestor went to a wonderful new home :D ), but other people want any rabbit as long as it isn't a REW:( I have three others here too, as well as 3 that are mine as I love them.