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Is this hutch good for Bunnies

A few people on here don't like using chicken coops because of the ramp and they just seem to squashed together. Would a 6ft hutch with a run attached not be an option?
They look fancy, but those chicken coop things aren't really suitable at all. The 'hutch' bit of it is too small and enclosed, while the ramp takes up too much room. You'd be better off buying a shed (this one is under £200):


And attaching a run, preferably an aviary. If space is a problem I'd just stick with the traditional 6ft hutch and 6x4 run. :)
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Hello, well done for doing your research before taking on a pair of rabbits and considering a pair or rescue rabbits:) I would consider contacting the place you want to adopt the buns from and asking them for advise on where to get the housing from as different rescues have different standards/requirements, they may also know places locally.

There are other options which are better value for your money and bunnies. If you have space, a shed or playhouse with run attached makes good accomodation with the advantage in the bad weather you can spend time with your bunnies and fuss them while not getting wet.

If you are after a hutch run combination you could check ebay or get something like this for similar money such as:


There is good advise on rabbit housing on the rabbit welfare association on:


Best of luck with it :wave: