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Introducing forage/greens


Mama Doe
Am slowly introducing grass, forage, greens to my adult foster rabbits diet along with swapping him over to pellets from muesli. How long a period should I introduce grass, greens forage over and in what quantities? (I did speak to the vets regarding his when he had his vet check) but would like other opinions too
Luckily he's a good hay water.
A photo of jasper (he'll be getting his own thread soon)
I would just give small pieces of veg and keep an eye on him. If all is well then you can give a bit more, and so on.
He's a beauty isn't he! I must admit I tend to give large amounts of forage fairly quickly and have never had a problem even with babies. I wouldn't do the same with veg, but forage is basically just a range of tough woody fibre so their guts seem to cope with it very well. I'd be more cautious with veg and pellets, it's not the end of the world if it takes a few weeks or more to complete a transition, but they seem to like forage and it seems to do them good. At this time of year I would introduce grass quite slowly because it will be very rich, especially after all this nice rainfall!
He's a beauty isn't he! I must admit I tend to give large amounts of forage fairly quickly and have never had a problem even with babies. I wouldn't do the same with veg, but forage is basically just a range of tough woody fibre so their guts seem to cope with it very well. I'd be more cautious with veg and pellets, it's not the end of the world if it takes a few weeks or more to complete a transition, but they seem to like forage and it seems to do them good. At this time of year I would introduce grass quite slowly because it will be very rich, especially after all this nice rainfall!

This exactly.

When I introduced forage, I had a very poorly bun. He urgently needed fibre and volume of food to replace his pellets to reduce ceacals but to maintain his weight. He was fine :)

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Mine have a carrier bag full of grass and forage daily between the eight rabbits and two guinea pigs. I just gave them a handful each and never had any digestion problems.