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Indoor cage for 2 mini lops


Young Bun
I have 2 mini lops who are about 15 weeks old & at the moment they are in the same cage together (I think its a Nero 3) however they are getting bigger now & so they need a bigger cage. What type of cage is best, we have seen 2 tier cages or really long cages but aren't sure which are the best.
Even if you just left the crate as it was it would still be much bigger than most indoor cages. A 48" one is normally about 4ft x 3ft which would make 12sq feet the same as a 6ft x 2ft hutch. aside from that the biggest one i know of is the Trixie rabbit 150 which I think is about 5ft.
What about using a pen/run and putting it on top of lino or some kinda of plastic sheeting? It'd be cheap and roomy.
I do exactly this!

You can get a good sized pen for little money;

E.G: http://www.zooplus.co.uk/shop/rodents/cages/pens_fencing/pens_with_racks/95235

This way, you can leave the indoor cage in there with the door open (if it has a door, or if not, leave the top off) and they can have the pen too!


This ^

This is quite a good one.


I have two of them and at the moment while I'm bonding I'm using six panels which makes a 5 foot by 2.5 foot space. For permanent you need bigger. The only problem with this one is that you can't get a 180 degree angle so you can't get a line. But you could do that easy with cable ties.

Rabbits need an area of 6 by 2 by 2 foot with access to a bigger space at least some of the time for exercise.

Mine actually have a dog crate as a base and then have free range in my room all the time and also the rest of upstairs during the day.