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Indoor bunny 'housing' photos.

Only Me

Young Bun
So I thought I'd share a photo of "Their Room" after I've cleaned it and made it look acceptable to human eyes. Lol, I have no doubt in 10 mins it'll look like a bombs gone off again as they make it more acceptable to their eyes. For the purpose of the photo I have all their toys out. Following recommendations on here they don't have these out all the time, they have their 'agility' tunnels and the other tubes out permanently and their straw hideaway and forage/digging box (which I fill with the left over hay they haven't eaten out of their rack and then hide treats in there's every so often). But the other toys, the wooden ones, and the hay filled things they have 2 out at a time. :).

So this is their room taken from they stairs. They have free access to their room, the stairs and landing 24/7. Mister (BEW) loves running up and down the stairs and is often on the landing waiting for a bedroom door to open so he can sneak in. They also have access to our lounge when we're home. Missy (agouti) loves laying on our hearth.

On top of this they also have a 'paper run' in the space by the cupboard under the stairs. They don't eat this paper, just love running through it and tossing it about.

And just because they are so adorable. Here's a photo of them playing with one of their wooden toys.
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Wow - that is fantastic!!!! My buns would love to come and visit :lol:

They are gorgeous buns :love::love::love:
Was woken up this morning by one of the monkeys playing with their paper run. :) it's a lovely sound hearing them enjoying themselves. :)