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I'm after a ladder/platform combo


Warren Scout
My middle aged man Rabbit Piggy is finding it a bit difficult getting in and out of the hutch/run, we let them free range in the day and I find that he doesnt come out unless I take him out

we have this hutch/run


and what I am after is a platform with a ladder each side that I can leave over the door way during the day. If you look to the left of the photo where the door is, you can see there is about a foot of mesh below the door - this is what he finds it difficult to jump over

Does anyone know where I might be able to get something, or does anyone commission hutch extras?

Hi Schuette! :wave:

The link takes me to the log in page only - can you give me the name of it to search?

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Hi Schuette! :wave:

The link takes me to the log in page only - can you give me the name of it to search?


Oh how odd it worked earlier. It's called 'Wooden Indoor cage Bridge/Ramp'

Janice's idea looks like a good one :thumb:
Yeah I saw that and loved it too. :oops: I actually considered it as a base in this room but figured the bottom may be hard to get to to clean.