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I have little secrets and a newly bonded group of 6 bunnies *with photos*

As in Cher (big hair little clothes) and Tina Turner?

Love it!

Correct hahahaha!!!!!!

Thanks Leanne, Jo, Estelle, Jill & Steph :love:

I just showed o/h these photo's he goes is that Bino and I said look (there are 2 on the photo he just goes humph) still hasn't a clue! :roll:
Tree send some of that bonding dust to Dennis and co please :D:D:D:lol:

Your rabbits are gorgeous. I especially love the last pic ! :love:
Aww, look at Bambi in with them all! :love:

I thought that was Bambi.

I am so jealous. I would love a big gang of buns all living together in the top shed so they coulds all play out together free on the grass up there. I'm too scared though. Lavender would have a field day if I put her in with all the others it woulds be like the Chainsaw Massacre :shock:

lovely pictures and stunning buns you have there Carys:love: sadly, I feel that there is not enough pictures:( its not very often I see a large group, would love to see some of them all cuddled up together;):D
I will be getting loads more pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont you worry Denny I will overload you until you know every piece of fur on thei bodies :lol:

Becki I dont have an Agouti lop???? :lol: Is there bunny number 7 now too? :lol: