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How to really enjoy a pepper U/D flesh eating bun post 18

Fabulous photos.:thumb::thumb::love::love:

The one's with the 'lippy on' would be great to be featured on a calender.
Perhaps a Pledge a Pound calender for 2014.

Worth a thought. Just imagine how many smiles this would put on peoples' faces.:thumb::D:D
:shock::shock: Slightly scary, but oh so cute! :lol:

Look at those ikkle bunny chops!! :love::love:

How do you get such good photos?!? Whenever I try I get a picture full of bunny face, especially with Millie and Humbug :lol:

Luck I think and getting in some weird positions and waiting :lol:
Fabulous photos.:thumb::thumb::love::love:

The one's with the 'lippy on' would be great to be featured on a calender.
Perhaps a Pledge a Pound calender for 2014.

Worth a thought. Just imagine how many smiles this would put on peoples' faces.:thumb::D:D

I love that idea :love: