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How to encourage hay eating


Young Bun
My 4 month old french lop is not keen on hay, he loves grass and spends a lot of time outside grazing. On a night he has whatever forage I've got or a few veggies and he has a handful of pellets morning and night which he really enjoys.

I've tried meadow and Timothy hay, redi grass, mixing in carrot, herbs, cut grass and he won't touch the stuff!

This week I bought some of the fibafirst stick to try as they are supposed to be better then pellets and good for teeth but he throws them out his bowl and won't touch them!

Are there any ways I can pursuade him to eat more hay? I read it's supposed to be 85% of diet from hay and it's currently about 1% the majority (about 90%) is grass,herbs, forage etc.
My 4 month old french lop is not keen on hay, he loves grass and spends a lot of time outside grazing. On a night he has whatever forage I've got or a few veggies and he has a handful of pellets morning and night which he really enjoys.

I've tried meadow and Timothy hay, redi grass, mixing in carrot, herbs, cut grass and he won't touch the stuff!

This week I bought some of the fibafirst stick to try as they are supposed to be better then pellets and good for teeth but he throws them out his bowl and won't touch them!

Are there any ways I can pursuade him to eat more hay? I read it's supposed to be 85% of diet from hay and it's currently about 1% the majority (about 90%) is grass,herbs, forage etc.

He's either getting too many pellets/veggies and so isn't hungry for hay, or he's got summat wrong with his teeth (hope not!)
I think he might be a little young to seriously get into hay. It seems to grow on them as they get older somehow so don't worry too much, when he gets a month older you can start to reduce his pellets and that will encourage more hay eating.
My rabbits stopped eating hay so I reduced their veggies and pellets...now they eat so much hay I'm forever topping it up!
Sometimes its just a case of finding a type/brand they like.My Rosie wouldn't touch one lot I bought yesterday so I went out and got her usual hay and shes tucking in!