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how often do you clean out the bun cage??

How long do you wait to clean out "the hutch" (dum dum dum..!)

  • 1-2 days

    Votes: 24 33.8%
  • 3-4 days

    Votes: 17 23.9%
  • 5-6 days

    Votes: 4 5.6%
  • 1 week

    Votes: 21 29.6%
  • 1 week+ / not often at all... (house bun or spend most of the time in the grass)

    Votes: 5 7.0%

  • Total voters
Housebun every other day. Outdoor buns less often, never more than about 5 days but as and when they need their litter trays doing, they get done!
Litter trays I do everyday, my buns have a shed so their "bedroom" is done once a week as they never poo or wee in there. The piggies get cleaned out twice a week on average but sometimes more if they've really made a mess.
I clean the litter trays every day of soiled litter and get the majority of poops and wee'd on hay out, replace that.. If I don't get a chance to do that every day then I just sling the lot and change it all - works for me :) I hoover every day and change the newspaper in their crate when it needs it (they don't ever get shut in it)
Being a house bun Bobbin's very clean. His cage is bare one side and has vet bed on the other with a little house and a towel. It doesn't take much to clean it. On a daily basis I sweep any litter up and clean his food bowls, pick up loose hay etc, and empty his litter tray every other day, once a week I wash his vet bed and towel.

I only really give it a good clean about once a fortnight because of this, so I voted 1 week +
I have refined the procedure for rabbit care over the years, done away with chippings... (big mess), use newspaper in littler tray..... the tray holds the hay too......

Empty tray daily...... the odd brush daily in the cage... no more than 10 mins per bunnie ... ( I have two).... I do this at feeding time too so it is hardly noticed in time where cleaning is concerned.... :D
Crystals litter tray gets cleaned everyday and the carpet in her hutch gets vaccumed once a week.

Misty whos not litter trained yet (hes really not getting the hang of it) i clean his hutch out twice a week the same goes for my Guinea Pigs. :)
My lot live in the house, so I thoroughly clean out hutch and dog crate every other day and change littertrays. Playroom littertray gets changed every 4-5 days. Playroom gets hoovered every other day and swept daily.
With three conservatory buns I am cleaning litter trays out every day - so much poo and so little use for it! :( I should hoover the hay up everyday but am not that houseproud :? . Am not sure if the hand held hoover will cope!

I am also developing callouses on my knuckles from going round on hands and knees picking up poo and hay - the unspayed (as yet) girlies are not so hot on litter trays and how do the get their uneaten hay everywhere?

Actually I spend so long on bunny room cleaning that the rest of the house is even worse! Wonder if OH will get me a cleaner for Christmas!
i put 1 week.... in Alvins room his carpet will get vaccumed once to twice a week depending on how much the mess bothers me... i try to keep it messy with hay all over the way he likes it, but ewww lol

i change the newspaper in the crate about once a week too

litter trays (1 in his room and one in the living room) are changed everyother day usually if im not completely knackered from an evil day at work....

Same here. Hope you don't have too many evil days at work :roll: :)
mine live in playhouses and do the trays and general sweeping everyday but more thorough floor scrub and other bits twice a week.Am quite obsessive tho and often can be found late at night sweeping the sheds out with my head trorch on:D
The litter tray gets done every other day(every day in the hot weather), the hutch part gets gutted once a week, and the run swept every 3/4 days depending on the mess:D
Two of the hutches are only completely cleaned once a month as the do everything outside

The others are weekly, with trays every other day
My buns live inside but they havent grasped the whole idea of the litter tray lol so i have a lot of mess to clear up DAILY thankfully the pee in the littertray they just poo everywhere else! :D