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How Much For Your VHD Jabs?

I pay £16 per vacc. I did ask if they'd consider a discount on the VHD because I take multiple buns and use the whole bottle but they said no because of the consultation time needed to health check the bunnies.
if its just the myxi i pay 15 pounds, but if one bun needs myxi then the vhd two weeks later they do it in a bundle and i pay £22.50.

i paid £40 for both my myxi and VHD jabs as they were doing a package if you booked at the same time. They told me £25 each one if wanting to do it seperately.

EDIT: included basic health check too.

Think they should of charged more - the cleaner would have had fun, Biscuit was moulting everywhere:lol:
Looks like mine's the most expensive so far :( There was a basic health check thrown in as well at least. The rescue got the myxi done before I got them, so I dreading next year when I have to get both jabs for both buns around the same time! I do think they are very good vets though, seem to be very rabbit-savvy.
Looks like mine's the most expensive so far :( There was a basic health check thrown in as well at least. The rescue got the myxi done before I got them, so I dreading next year when I have to get both jabs for both buns around the same time! I do think they are very good vets though, seem to be very rabbit-savvy.

It's unbelievable how much the costs of the jabs differ from vet to vet!!
Looks like mine's the most expensive so far :( There was a basic health check thrown in as well at least. The rescue got the myxi done before I got them, so I dreading next year when I have to get both jabs for both buns around the same time! I do think they are very good vets though, seem to be very rabbit-savvy.

London weighting I suspect, everything costs more in London but, apparently you are all paid more to cover it?
i paid £40 for both my myxi and VHD jabs as they were doing a package if you booked at the same time.

i'd say thats a bargain

its £99 for both buns for Myxi and VHD

Yeah i was very happy too...considering i'd never really known how much there were roughly, until i researhced and was very happy with the price. I'm so glad i landed a really bunny-savvy vet so early on, and they are literally a 3 minutes drive from my house. The nurse there i get on with really well and she gave me free syringes and recovery food for Biscuit after his neuter when i went back the following mornign as he wants eating/drinking.

Much love to my vets :)
London weighting I suspect, everything costs more in London but, apparently you are all paid more to cover it?

In theory, yes! I'm not sure why insurance seems to be so much more though, when it's still only £2000 cover!
It cost me £18 for his myxi jab and then had to wait two weeks for his VHD which cost me £20.75.
When i went for his myxi he needed a health check anyway and his claws were really long and they did that all within that £18 price. This time round for his VHD she still checked his heart, teeth etc and checked his bottom for flystrike as I am a bunny mum worrier and she remarked how clean it was :lol:
i have Mixi and VDH done at the same time it is £30 for them both. £20 singly i think as i pay £20 for one bunny and £30 for the other each time i go as their vaccinations are staggered as i got them at different times.

Where in Nottingham do you take yours?

i get a free health check and weigh in but they charge extra for claw cutting. £6 for rubys to be done. But i couldn't manage it myself as she wriggles and kicks so i had to give in. Reggie is a good boy (or a petrified boy) and sits still while i cut his claws