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How much food?


Warren Scout
Right so I'm really confused. I always thought bunnies had a bowl full of pellet food a day but I've seen things on here saying an egg cup full a day :shock: ? Is this really right? If so what happens if they have/have had too much pelleted food?

My buns are 3yrs old. Neither of my buns is overweight, in fact one has always been on the skinny side (nothing wrong with him and he eats like a horse - just seems to have a particularly skinny build). They eat loads of grass and a fair amount of hay and have no trouble with their droppings.
Mine have a small ceramic hamster bowl full of pellets a day and are all fine.
If mine have more than an egg cup full they'd fill up on those and not eat enough hay :D
My outdoor pair have a small handful every other day, my single outdoor has a small handful a day, my indoor single always has access to pellets because she can't eat hay and my indoor pair have a decent handful between them as we are trying to help our poorly boy put weight on.

They all (apart from my nearly toothless Poppy) have a fibrefirst stick every other day usually.

If I give them any more they don't want to eat any hay but the amount they get given seems to kick start them into eating hay so I have found the right amount for my rabbits.
Mine get a large handful between them once a day, I usually handfeed them but sometimes I feed them in their bowl, sometimes on top of a pile of hay and other times scattered in their run. Mine have unlimited hay and they eat quite a lot of it plus some forage everyday.
Mine get a handful in the morning and a handful at night. That is in each side of the shed, as in between 3 on one side and between 2 on the other. The two get the same as the three as Lewis is large and Ailsa is older.

Any more and they get sticky bums. My vet says they are all good healthy weights.
My two has an egg cup full of pellets each every morning before I go to work and they have an unlimited supply of hay in both their hutch and run.