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How many nicknames do your buns have?

matthew - matty, little man, mr rabbit, snugglebun, cuddlebun
tabitha - tabby, tabbyrabbit, little girl, silky girl

not very imaginative:oops:

oh and together they are called 'bunkins', as in, "hello bunkins!" when i get home, and "do bunkins want green beans?" [always answered with wild excitement :)]
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Ginger-Bun and Pickle-Pie are the main ones. I love my bunny-boos. :love:

They're also 'Hot-Cross-Buns', 'Toasted tea buns' and 'Iced buns', depending on weather conditions! :D
Frodo - Frods, bunster, bunny, bun-bun, baby, bub-bubs, poo machine, naughty

Wonder if Jane replies to this thread?. If she does it's gonna be a long one!:lol:
We used to call my rabbit Daisy-May - Small.

She was small, I was medium and my BF was big! ( I miss her so much!:()
biggles = bigs, big balls :oops: they were huge before he got them done names still stuck though

elizibeth =beth, poppet

doc = snuggles, snuffle bum

carrie = she gets called caroline whens she being told orf and she knows it too

linus = teddy, tufty fluff

frosty = pigeon as she stands pigeon toed bless her

blimey should we really be confessing these my neighbours thing im nuts as it is
lollipop =plop,little man
flopsy = flop
clover= nosey rosie ( she is a very nosey bun lol)
sherbert = poo bum (i have never seen so many poo's from one rabbit lol)
honey and bubbles= babes, bubs, cutie
Smudge - Moo moo, big bum, pig face!
Puzzle - Poo poo, inspector poriot, Funny face!
Blossom - Boo boo, Apple, Scardy pants!
Dougal (the hamster) - Doo doo, Security guard!
Dylan - Dillyboy, Dillbob, Dylan-Pie, Pie, Fat boy.

Wuzzle - The Wuzzle, Wuzzie man, Fuzzy man, Wuzzanator, Wuzzyalata (As in Wuzz you later), Mr Luva Luva

Peaches - Peachy Pie, Peachlet, Tartlet, Tyson (she's a boxer)

Nibbles - Nizbitch, Scribbles, Wibbles, Bunnycat, The Cat.

Wookie - Wookington, Stupid.
Chunks - Chunky Bum, Chunkmeister, Big Daddy Fats, Fat Man, :censored:, NO, and Farmer Chunks (He used to walk round with a strand of hay hanging out of one side of his mouth) :p

Luna - Lunatic, Ticky Boo, and :censored:

Rory - A Rory Borealis (don't ask :?), Mr Binky - If you saw him, you'd understand :love:

Bolt - Bolty, Pretty Boy, Bug eyes, Beady

Misty - Misty Moo

Bella - Bella Boo (I think the other ones are classified as rude :oops:)

Hazel - Princess, Sweetie

Flopsy and Cottontail - The Idiot twins
Phoebe - phoebs,phil,cutie,handsome
Holli - Bolly,Hol,Holli Bolly,Holli Poppet
Ella - Elz,Ella boo bar,Ellie,Bella,Big Bum
Fletcher - Smudge,Smudger or big man
Ava - baba bun,Miss Ava,Miss Frisky Whiskers & honey
My nicknames for Jose - Cheeky, Darling, Pudding, Sweetie, My Gorgeous Girlie, Little Squidgy Bum and Pain in the :censored: lol

OH's nicknames for Jose - Hose, Ho-Say! (said with a proper mexican accent :roll:) Monkey Boy (We thought she was a boy at the start and he still calls her it lol)