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How long does hay keep fresh?


Mama Doe

I have just got 9.5kg timothy and rye from hay4 pets and I was pondering buying some INGS too while I have some pennies in my paypal account...if I leave it bagged will it stay fresh for long or not really? (it appears to come double bagged from H4P's).

I bought some meadow hay from a local farm for £4.50 per bale and the buns do eat it but not as much as other hay as its not very stalky...its great for bedding which is fine by me as its cheaper than buying the straw I was buying! :thumb:
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I use hay very quickly but keeping hay in opened bags for a few months is fine. Keep it dry and in a cool place, and open the bag to let it air and it'll be fine. :)
Hay keeps for months as long as you keep it in a dry climate. It will dry out though and become a bit less tastey.
im using oldish hay atm :(
but hay can keep for months in a dry place take it out its packaging tho so it can get air
I keep the 9.5 bags in the plastic, but I take it out of one of the bags and leave it in one. I make sure they are open, or the hay will sweat. It would be better if you could put them in something breathable like a duvet cover but I've kept them in plastic for 3 months before and not had a problem.