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How do I stop him.....SUGGESTIONS PLEASE


Wise Old Thumper
Peeing and pooing on my SOFA!!! (argh!)

Other than peeing and pooing on my sofa, Rimmi is well behaved and litter trained.... so why my sofa?? Hes not spraying yet, its just little puddles and he seems to really enjoy pooing on the run :s

Anyone got any ideas how to discourage this behaviour?


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Is he neutered? I would block off your sofa to prevent him jumping on to it in the first place...otherwise he is just training himself into a pattern - you need to break the pattern.
Not a clue about house rabbits but if I had room for more, I'd want one like him.:)
I know the feeling we had angel for few months she was good litter trained girl then all of a sudden she started peeing on my sofa. We started contactinga behaviourist who said lock her away for 2 weeks which we did but it didnt work! She then wanted £300 to come and assess her which I couldnt afford.

Wash the area so that buns smell isnt there. We use the pet carrier to block off ours, as she wont jump up if thats there!
Check he isnt in pain or sore as angel only does it when she needs to go o vets i.e her eye is running badly. Which I know she hurts but we cant make the vets do dentals that day I said to her!
If you can catch him doing it when your there say "NO" very loud pick him up dont speak anymore plop into potty "potty" and leave him in there when he wee's good boy sweetie. Thats all you can do.
Angel did eventually stop with the sofa but we dont know how we put it down to having dental then she e-started when she was due her next one.
I got in touch with anaiml communicator who told us Angel is orry for peeing on sofa but how else can she tell us she hurtys?
I know the feeling we had angel for few months she was good litter trained girl then all of a sudden she started peeing on my sofa. We started contactinga behaviourist who said lock her away for 2 weeks which we did but it didnt work! She then wanted £300 to come and assess her which I couldnt afford.

Wash the area so that buns smell isnt there. We use the pet carrier to block off ours, as she wont jump up if thats there!
Check he isnt in pain or sore as angel only does it when she needs to go o vets i.e her eye is running badly. Which I know she hurts but we cant make the vets do dentals that day I said to her!
If you can catch him doing it when your there say "NO" very loud pick him up dont speak anymore plop into potty "potty" and leave him in there when he wee's good boy sweetie. Thats all you can do.
Angel did eventually stop with the sofa but we dont know how we put it down to having dental then she e-started when she was due her next one.
I got in touch with anaiml communicator who told us Angel is orry for peeing on sofa but how else can she tell us she hurtys?

I agree with everything written above (except for the animal communicator bit! ;)) Not all animal behaviourists charge 300 quid tho!
We had Dr Anne McBride do a home visit through the University animal behaviour clinic and it was only £60 and she is one of the leading rabbit behavioural experts in the country.
However, I agree that locking bunny away for 2 weeks is a dreadful thing to do and will not work at all - rabbits are not dogs and do not respond to the same behavioural techniques - i'm not sure I would do this with a dog or child either!! :shock: I know for a fact Dr McBride would never suggest this!

As said above you need to make sure he is firstly neutered and in good health and not hiding any UTI or other infections/pain - i'm sure i've said this before re. your bunny? you then need to block off the sofa, remove the scent as Winnies angel says using dilute vinegar and then if he does get up there catch him - get him into his tray and reward him when he gets it right. If you can't keep him off the sofa then you need to put a tray up there and slowly move it down to the ground once he associates all peeing/pooping with a tray. It is highly likely to be territorial or communicative with you for some reason such as changes at home, stresses, his territory boundaries etc...but the technique is the same - block the sofa, and retrain him using reward, don't punish him when he gets it wrong, and first check for any underlying health issues - this should be the first thought with any inappropriate toileting - a good behaviourist will not accept a referral except from a vet who has given the all clear health wise.
I had the exact same problem for ages. I got my mini-lop in January when he was 10 weeks, and I used to put him on the sofa for a wee while for a cuddle, and he started peeing on it rather than jumping off and using the tray. I put the tray on the sofa, and that worked for a while, but soon he started kicking the tray out of the way and going on the cushions instead.

When he was really small he used to poo everywhere as well, and it was only after he'd been neutered that this behaviour changed. He now won't do any kind of toilet stuff outwith his cage. I think it's just down to maturity, and unfortunately yuo'll have to just find ways of stopping Rimmi getting on the sofa until he's been neutered and has calmed down, and grown up a bit.

It's a bit wearing on the nerves, but it won't last forever!
God I totally understand, Jaki pee's constantly on my bed when I have her out (even though I bring her potty out) It's a nightmare constantly having to change the quilt and washing covers!! I've tried to discourage her from coming onto the bed but she always hops up for cuddles and loves sitting with me when I'm on the lap top x