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Homecheck no longer needed

Don't be upset. I'm sure it can be arranged to suit you. If it does turn out to be me I'll be nice, promise. Have done loads of homechecks and only ever failed one person as they were an animal hoarder who wasn't caring for their animals very well and didn't have enough money to care for her current animals let alone get more.
Hey it's not your fault I couldn't make this afternoon not you. Sorry Jill but we did try to make it work at short notice. Have a fab wedding Lexybee91.
I'm sorry to make such a big deal out of something so seemingly simple. I don't work and if it wasn't my wedding weekend, i'd be like sure i'm free any time. But I'm just not here.
Aww, don't stress homechecks are fine. They don't last all day just maybe half an hour whilst you have a chat. I always find that they are lovely because you meet people who love bunnies too and can chat about that. It will go fine I'm sure xx
Hope you can get this sorted out - Rhian33 is a really lovely lady so hope she can get to pop over and meet you. Sure you'll pass with flying colours.