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Holland lop baby not eating cecotropes

My 8-week old holland lop bunny hasn't been eating her cecotropes. Summer is eating normal, drinking normal and has unlimited access to kaytee brand forti-diet pellets with dental bits and alfalfa hay. She poops her regular pellet poops but usually she leaves cecotropes- when she's hopping around my house and when in her cage. Help, please. I've only had her for about 4 days. Thanks!:wave:

EDIT: help needed fast please!
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Try feeding her more hay(I had this problem before) If things do'nt improve in, say three days, or your bunny gets lethargic or has diarreah, stops eating and such, you should take it to the vet.
Hi there Summer's mum/dad, welcome to the forum :wave:

It sounds like Summer is just producing too many caecotropes. Excess caecotropes are commonly caused by diet or stress, but I believe they can also be caused by using inappropriate antibiotics. Obviously this isn't the case with Summer.

As lovelybun has said, a good place to start is her diet. I should point out that I have only ever had adult bunnies, and all my information is about them, but there are many young bunny owners on the forum who will hopefully come along to give age-specific advice.

In an adult bunny, I would first reduce the pellets. However, I'm wary of recommending this as Summer is younger - please wait for someone with experience in young bunnies to confirm this, and you can always ring your vet for advice :D Adult bunnies only need an eggcup full of pellets, all the rest should be lots and lots of hay! You have done absolutely the right thing in getting alfalfa hay as it contains higher levels of calcium needed for young buns, as Summer gets older you can change it to timothy.

The other factor is stress. As you have only had her a few days, and she is so young, she is likely to be a bit stressed by all the changes. If stress is the cause, it should settle down itself as she becomes used to her new home. As said above, if you notice any changes in Summer's diet, drinking, behaviour or poo, you should take her to the vet urgently.
I had this with doughnut when I first got her at 8 weeks. It was too many pellets, so I cut it down. Also she as on excel and I slowly moved her to SS as some rabbits get poopy bum on excel. When I cut down the pellets it stopped and she ate more hay.
I had this with doughnut when I first got her at 8 weeks. It was too many pellets, so I cut it down. Also she as on excel and I slowly moved her to SS as some rabbits get poopy bum on excel. When I cut down the pellets it stopped and she ate more hay.


Wishing her better.xxx