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Holiday dramas!!! Anyone know of short notice house rabbit boarder in Frome area?

Which airport are you actually going from? Could you find a boarder near the airport? I've had an enquiry from a lady who lives a long way away but I live very close to an international airport where she is flying from so it's convenient for her :)
Thank you both for replying, Betty's eye looks normal today after yesterday's stress :roll: . I called the vet and they will be issuing extra meds and know we going away and I'm hoping that she's ok with my friend.

I'm kicking myself for not organising proper boarding and will next time we go anywhere!!!!

I just thought that because Walter isn't a good traveller it would be better for him to stay at home but Betty becoming unwell is so much worse.
Glad to hear she has improved.

If need be, your friend could pop her to the vets as the nurses will probably do it for you (if you leave the carrier handy) if she can't get drops in but hopefully all will be OK by then.
Glad to hear she has improved.

If need be, your friend could pop her to the vets as the nurses will probably do it for you (if you leave the carrier handy) if she can't get drops in but hopefully all will be OK by then.

Thank you! That's the new plan. It's ridiculous how fast she fought that infection though. We just were just bathing it and popping in the drops and I'm hoping we caught it early. :)