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Hey there, I'm Mae


Young Bun
Hi there~

My name's Mae, and I'm new to the world of bunnies (asides from having wanted them my whole life)

I'm due to get two lop bunnies at the end of the month so all is very exciting and I've been researching a lot...

Everyone on here is super friendly though, and I've actually already learnt loads since joining a few hours earlier.

Kind of ironic how the first place I ever wanted bunnies from (and said yes to when I was 3 only to have my mother say no) is the place I'm actually getting them from!

Anyway, I'm fifteen, and I have a hamster called Albie (used to have Borris until 26th July) and a puppy called Jasper!

As I've said, I've never owned a rabbit before, my friend has had four but they all got eaten by foxes (outdoor hutches although on patio so not sure how the fox got in)

But as we have a lot of foxes around here, I have a bunny shed! (well according to my mother, a shed that the rabbits are allowed to live in but not theirs or mine :( )

That's all from me, it's nice to meet you all :)
Welcome to the forum. It is a very smart idea to do lots of research and this is the perfect place to do that research. You have made a very good decision in joining the forum.:D:wave:
Hello and welcome. I have just got a baby lop myself about a month ago, he is 3 months old and called Jasper :)
You will get loads of advice here x

sent from Xperia Z2
:wave: Hi Mae. I used this forum when researching for my new bunnies too, it's great for ideas and advice.