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Help ...


Young Bun
looking for a bit of advice....
I have two bonded buns in my garden and recently I have taken in 4 buns dumped in a box who are now in my garage room ...I showed the male one of the buns though a fence ..
problem now is my two in the garden who have always been fine have started fighting! .... pulling fur out then cuddling again! is it because of the buns...smell maybe fur etc?
My two are both done (male and female) and are about two years old.
Really appreciate any help!
It's called referred aggression. One of your existing pair can smell, see or hear the others and wants to attack them but can't so is attacking their partner instead. Can you move the others to somewhere where they are out of sight, smell and hearing of your pair?

If you dont know where the other four came from you need to quarantine them really. In case they pass something on to your pair. Make sure you always wash your hands between caring for each group.
awwww that makes sense! They are in my garage attached to my house...I will make more effort to separate them ...I have managed to get the babies a home at the end of april and I have two adults I need to rehome...I was hoping mine might accept at least one but if they are fighting before they see it I will need to keep looking for home as the RSPCA are full and my local rescue
Why not have a look at the bonding section on here. You may be able to bond another pair to your two or another one. I have not done any bonding (although hope to). It could work. Well done finding homes for the two babies. Good luck :wave: