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Help!! RE Ebay thread - rabbit in distress.

I'm sorry it didn't work out too - he probably doesn't care about the rabbit at all but doesn't want to have that pointed out to him. You tried, you can't do any more than that other than make an anonymous phone call to the RSPCA or drop a note through the door with a list of local rabbit rescues on it? You never know he might decide he wants rid and then take it to the nearest, may even dump it and run, but that would be a result. People often do think about things later once you've pointed it out to them. A very tricky situation - well done for trying atleast. Poor bunny :(
Hi Shannon - got your message. Sorry, been out all day. Really sorry if this backfires on you. :( Did you manage to get a good look at the rabbit/hutch inside?

So we now know the guy is an utter :censored: :censored: and hopefully if the RSPCA DO go round they'll throw the book at him. Just hope the rabbit is taken away before the :censored: does anything else with it.

I don't know Liz that well - only through an off-ebay group she used to be a member of.

Just wondering if anyone with RSPCA links on here could hurry Cornwall up?
Poor bunny:(

Thank you for trying to sort something out. It is a really hard situation and you don't want to make trouble for yourself. It was really good of you to go round there.
I really don't agree with how the bunny is being kept but most people think that's how they should be kept. It's a fairly new looking hutch and it has water so lots of people think that's enough.
It was really funny to spot it on here and realise that liz was some i work fors aunt, she a very sweet lady! well hopefully this shall all be sorted soon, fingers crossed
just a little update, the local rspca have just phoned me for some more details and have said the within 24-48 hours something will be done! yay!
Oh my god, just had an email from liz the neighbour of the person saying they where carrying the hutch and the rabbit out the car, she asked them where there were going and they said camping and the rabbit was going to the girlfriends mums! :( oh no i've really messed up going round there! :'( i really really hope they are going camping and will bring the rabbit back in a week but i bet that's not the case :( i'm really ****** off with myself i hope there going camping or i'll never forgive myself for talking to him!
oh no, there is nothing you can do now, what is done is done. Lets hope the rabbit will be in good hands and they have actually gone camping.
oh no i've really messed up going round there! :'( i really really hope they are going camping and will bring the rabbit back in a week but i bet that's not the case :( i'm really ****** off with myself i hope there going camping or i'll never forgive myself for talking to him!

You should not beat yourself up about your actions. I think you did the right thing for that poor bunny. It took guts and empathy to go round there and try to speak to the owner. You should be proud you tried to help.
Fingers crossed he's taking bunny to a rescue or someone else. If he was going to dispose of the bunny surely he'd just leave the hutch behind?! You did your best, I'd have done the same if I were you. If you have any reason to suspect cruelty you have every right to phone the RSPCA again.
Hey Shannon321 you have done your best. Well done for going around there in the first place. You did the right thing, you tried and it could have worked out.
Sometimes you have to take a chance.

I would see if the rabbit turns up again after the 'camping trip' if it doesn't I would still ask the RSPCA to go round because you suspect he may not have rehomed it but disposed of itin some other way. The RSPCA can still ask to see the rabbit in it's new home and if he has nothing to hide he will tell them and they can go check.

well luckily i'm sort of friends with this persons brother, they dont speak much which is to my advantage, i emailed him last night abotu what had happened and he just said, he doesn't speak to his brother much but he's sure the rspca will sort it out!

Now i have emailed him back literally begging me for the girlfriends name and her mums address, i live in such a small town i should be able to do some fishing around and find stuff out, then i can direct the rspca to there.
I also asked if he's just go and get the rabbit for me lol, i know i'm dreaming here but hey you never now!
This poor rabbit is at major risk from fly strike being left in that tiny filthy hutch all through that heat wave and i dread to think of the condition of its teeth, once the rspca have got i'm gonna prey its a boy and adopt it as a husbun for mine!