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Help needing fosters for 2 weeks Scotland


Mama Doe
Hi I was wondering if any of you can help me out , I am getting a new kennel/shed put up at the end of the month and am looking for fosters for the period of this going up and there old enclosers getting dismantled. I would deliver the rabbits to you and all food ect supplied also if any of them needed vet attention in this time I would be more than willing to pay for this . Can anyone help out?
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It might help if we know how many and how far you would be willing to travel.
Are they all together or a few separate pairs? any singles, special needs etc..
I wasn't so much offering as thinking that if people knew more they would maybe be more obliged to help out. :wave:
Hi I'm sorry I wish I could help you out but I am due to have my baby next week :(

I do have 4 indoor hutches if you wanted to borrow them to help you out while you do the new enclosures. I know it's probably not ideal but I don't want to put any more stress on my husband lol