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Hello :)


last week my family (Im Kim the mum) got 2 baby bunnys :)

they are french mini lops and absolutely gorgeous. My boys named them and so we have a Timmy and a Peanuts.

they are 12 weeks old today. We have had a bunny in the past but he was a very poorly bun and so we have been bunny-free for a few years.

look forward to chatting and getting some good advice from everyone

Kim x
Hi and welcome to the forum!

Can see the buns in your avatar - very cute!!

Feel free to ask any questions you need to know :) x

welcome to you, timmy and peanuts:D

if you need any help with the forum, just give me or one of the other forum buddies (green names) a shout:)
Hi & hope you get lots of helpful advice - your buns are lovely, hope they are not male & female though or you'll need to be careful & separate for neutering, www.thehayexperts.co.uk has lots of yummy hay's & ideas for toys & treats that are safe :wave:
both bunnys are boys so they shall be getting neutered as soon as they are old enough

They are outdoor bunnies but in the shed at the minute as it was frosty last week when we got them.
Phew - I'd get them into the vets asap just to double check & do a general health check & they'll advise on when etc - maybe people can recommend a good vets near you, good luck they're lovely bunnies :wave:
Welcome to the forum your boys are gorgeous :D

Just a quick point: Male rabbits often fight once they reach sexual maturity at 4 months so you may see some aggression then. Neutering will certainly help to calm angry hormones and some people do have successful male pairs but most tend to fight so you may face having to separate them at some stage. I hope not though :)