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Hello from Brentford!


Warren Scout
Hi! I'm Edward and I have just become servant to Demerara Sugar (or just Sugar). I've not had a bunny (or any other pet) for over 30 years!

She's a rehome via P@H, believed to be about two years old. I've been think of getting a bunny for a couple of years and have been reading the forums here and at many other places during that time. I think I've also watched just about every informative bunny video on YouTube. I've clearly been very bunny-broody. Sugar and I have been together about 5 weeks. I didn't go out that Saturday with any intention of coming home with a bunny but when I saw those silly ears through the glass in the adoption centre, I was helpless.

Sugar has full run of the large-ish apartment (4th floor) and it's been a race between her and me to get the place (I've just moved in) bunny-proofed before she destroys it. Not too much damage so far - like most people I had plenty of spare phone chargers anyway :). And she's been making helpful suggestions/contributions on DIY jobs and the arrangement of furniture.

Sugar was a very nervous/aggressive bunny when she first arrived; she's clearly not been handled much and I suspect she's never had so much space to bunny about in. She is obsessively inquisitive ("oh, I've not been in the saucepan cupboard before - you left it open and turned your back!").

The only info I got about why she was being re-homed was "grew too big" and "kids got bored" from which I infer "stuck in small hutch" and "had little socialisation". At least her previous owners did the honest thing to give her up. Personally I don't understand how a bunny can be too big (yes, I've read the "biggest RU bun" thread). Sugar is only medium, currently 3.5Kg which looks about right on her. A few weeks on and we have a better understanding of each other and our limits. She now lets me stroke her and clearly enjoys it (teeth chattering) and will nip to demand more if you think of stopping before she's ready. But she definitely, definitely does not want to be picked up or touched anywhere on her underside (which I completely respect). I have some quite impressive scratch wounds and bites from the times I've been finding out our limits - my friends think I'm bonkers.

Sugar arrived unvaccinated and un-spayed. Vaccinations done now (she was surprisingly well behaved with the vet) and her spay is booked for next week (P@H pay the costs for adoptions from them). We have already had a week on heat (blimey, bunny-sex is rough, she bit clean through my sweatshirt and broke my skin with both jaws) and two days before I went away for the bank-holiday I cam back from work to find she had built a most beautiful fur-lined nest. Had me worried for a bit but then I checked the calendar and saw I'd had her for 38 days so declared it a 'falsie'.

As I write this, Sugar is fast asleep under the desk curled round my feet - awwwww.

Some pics and a video below. Any ideas on breed would be much appreciated but I assume she's a bit of a mix - one immobile lop-ear, one fully functioning helicopter ear but the head shape isn't squished like a lop. Classic orange with white underside, 3.5Kg.

Edward Pearson
Demerara Sugar-bun Velvet-bottom Pearson (stage name Gnawrer the Explorer)


It was OK to prune that, yes?


Found a cool spot.



A bit of bunnying about.
See more adventures of Gnawrer the Explorer on my YouTube channel.
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She kooks just like my Joey x
/d/14/05/06/e4uga5yv.jpg He has the same ears as well :)

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Hiya :wave:

Stunning bunny! Lucky you to find such a treasure and lucky her for having such a caring house mate :lol: xx
hiya!!! To you both!!!

She is cute!!!!

Looks like she has you smitten.. Let the madness commence!!!

Fee xxx
Welcome! Lucky Demerara Sugar!

I love the photo of her asleep. Doesn't she look like an angel, hehe :lol: Don't they all!!
Hello and welcome :wave:

Was great reading your intro to Demerara sugar.

She's beautiful :love: I'm so glad that she has such a doting and caring owner.

You'll find that once she's spayed that she'll calm down completely and hopefully her hormonal behaviours will banish within 4-6 weeks after spay. Some people notice a change in their temperament almost straight away. It really depends on the bunny.

Have you thought about adopting a neutered male friend for her once she's spayed and had time to allow her wound to heal and hormones to die down? Demerara and Caster sugar ;)

You'll love it on RU. I look forward to seeing more of Demerara and hearing of her antics.

Thank you all so much for the warm welcomes!

Bun is asleep under the desk again which makes it very hard to concentrate on work. She's all twitchy, probably dreaming of boy buns.


Lucy-Lou: the likeness is quite uncanny and with mirror image ears! Definitely some genes in common, maybe they are related. What does Barney weigh? It's difficult to get a sense of scale sometimes from photos. What are your thoughts on breed?
Ah she seems a happy little bunny.

Good luck with the spay. I was so worried when Doughnut went in. Remember to get lots of fresh stuff in like herbs and veg as rabbits go off their pellets, which sounds unbelievable!! Doughnut wasn't interested for a few days but to keep her eating she had herbs and hay.

Also make sure you take pain relief home. They are given an injection which lasts 24 hours but you need metacam to give so they are pain free fo the next few days at least.
Ah she seems a happy little bunny.

Good luck with the spay. I was so worried when Doughnut went in. Remember to get lots of fresh stuff in like herbs and veg as rabbits go off their pellets, which sounds unbelievable!! Doughnut wasn't interested for a few days but to keep her eating she had herbs and hay.

Also make sure you take pain relief home. They are given an injection which lasts 24 hours but you need metacam to give so they are pain free fo the next few days at least.

Thanks for the advice. I'm trying not to think about it yet cos I know I'm going to be worried sick all day (it's a week today). I know the survival rate is 99% - but that means there's 1% that... I'll definitely be searching RU for aftercare tips.