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hello from a newbie


Warren Scout
I have just become the proud owner of a lovely rabbit that we rehomed for a workmate....I shall be asking some questions asap re how to handle getting bunny out of her hutch! she is a really affectionate bunny once she is out, she is very happy in her run in the garden and loves to spend some time in the house with me and the girls.....I live on the south coast of the Uk and have always been an animal lover, I used to keep hamsters and gerbils, have fish, a cat and a tank of stick insects...we have no idea how old she is, as far as I know she is a lion head but I could be very wrong! we are her 3rd owners.....her first was a little girl who moved house and could not take her with her, the second was a lovely couple who loved her very much and spent alot of time with her but recently had their first child and decieded that it would be better for the bunny if she could be somewhere where she could recieve the amount of attention she is used to...so hey presto she now lives with me! :)

Hi Muffinsmun!The poor wee rabbit is probably shellshocked at getting moved so much.If you don't know much history about the wee rabbit a check up at the vet wouldn't go a miss,especially if she has to get neutered or injections.Don't know she has been neutered or had injections.Patience i,m afraid if important.She'll have to gain your trust.Everyone here is really nice and will give you advice etc.I'm sure we'll chat at some point haha.:wave:
:wave: hiya and welcome!!

You've come to the right place, id say the same is she neutered and vaccinated? As for handling hand under the her front and support her bum, bunnies usually arent keen on being picked up so you'll have to see what shes like. The best start is to just sit with her and let her get used to your voice and smell, sure you'll soon become best buddies :D