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hay only diet...


New Kit
a member of my team said today that apparently it's good for bus to give them just hay for a few days...
one of my buns has quite sloppy poos and she has been better as she has been on just hay for 2 days..
is this good or bad?
she is missing her normal food though,..
I'd just give hay for a few days to clear up the soft poo, the slowly introduce pellets (1/2 a handfull) and see how you get on from there :D
Hay is excellent for bunnies and if that's helped her problem it's a good indication that long term changes in her diet would solve it. As Nicole suggests I'd recommend feeding small quantites of high fibre pellets along side the hay long-term. Rabbits need very few pellets it's just to top up vitamins/minerals.

What is her normal food? May be worth trying a switch to a higher fibre pellet when you reintroduce pellets slowly into her diet.
i am also in this dilema, having tried unsucessfuly to improve the bottum cleaning of lilly bun , if she is on hay only it sorts itself in 2 days, she also needs to be on low calcium diet but i just cant find one that suits her.