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Hay (oh yes, another one!) How long does it stay fresh for?


Wise Old Thumper
Hello Again!

Biscuit is a *REALLY* good hay eater, will sit for ages just nomming it.

But i've noticed that he'll always take fresh hay, and enjoy it so much more. That's not to say he won't sit and eat the hay in his hay box, but he'd rather have fresh stuff, from the same bag that the stuff that is in his box is from.

So my question is, how long does hay stay 'fresh' for once you've taken it out of the bag?

He goes mad over the new stuff that mainly is just going in his litter trays or a small handful per day into his hay box.

Examples of his hay eating are here;



Thanks in advance and im so sorry for another hay post - i did search the forums first but couldnt find anything.

Ta :wave:
I don't know, but mine are the same, if i'm just doing a top-up i sort of mix it all up so some of the older hay is at the top of the dish, i can't afford to be throwing it away all the time :oops: i also sprinkle in some excel mountain herb mix too, or at weekends as a treat a few nuggets to jazz it up a little :lol:
I don't know, but mine are the same, if i'm just doing a top-up i sort of mix it all up so some of the older hay is at the top of the dish, i can't afford to be throwing it away all the time :oops: i also sprinkle in some excel mountain herb mix too, or at weekends as a treat a few nuggets to jazz it up a little :lol:

I know what you mean - theres always quite a bit left in the box and i always think "is he going to eat this?" or "should i just throw it away and add all new stuff only to do the same a week later?"

I put a few of his pellets in the box with his hay to encourage him to forage also :)
Rabbits rely largely on smell/scent and therefore fresh hay from the box - even though it is identical to what has been put out just hours earlier is always more welcomed by our fussy long eared friends! :roll:

The problem with hay is that it loses its scent when it picks up smells and moisture from the air around it, why it is important to store hay away from strong smells/kitchen cooking etc.

To avoid waste it is best to put out little and often throughout the day if you can, or maybe just twice a day. I do twice a day with my buns, knowing full well that if they are hungry they will eat what is on offer... they will only go mad for fresh hay if they are 'not' so hungry as it were. When it comes to normal eating times of the day (early morning/early evening) they will go back to what is on offer. Nino will quite happily pick up pieces of wet dirty hay that have missed the compost bin in the garden weeks later but will turn his nose up at hay that has only been out for 8 hours! :roll::lol: Fickle little things they are! :D:wave:
Rabbits rely largely on smell/scent and therefore fresh hay from the box - even though it is identical to what has been put out just hours earlier is always more welcomed by our fussy long eared friends! :roll:

The problem with hay is that it loses its scent when it picks up smells and moisture from the air around it, why it is important to store hay away from strong smells/kitchen cooking etc.

To avoid waste it is best to put out little and often throughout the day if you can, or maybe just twice a day. I do twice a day with my buns, knowing full well that if they are hungry they will eat what is on offer... they will only go mad for fresh hay if they are 'not' so hungry as it were. When it comes to normal eating times of the day (early morning/early evening) they will go back to what is on offer. Nino will quite happily pick up pieces of wet dirty hay that have missed the compost bin in the garden weeks later but will turn his nose up at hay that has only been out for 8 hours! :roll::lol: Fickle little things they are! :D:wave:

Okay cool, thanks PrettyLupin :) Much appreciated.

I filled it up last night and he's eaten quite a bit over night, but i'll empty it and just start putting in small amounts every few hours, which isn't a problem as i work from home so can do it whenever :)

Just to contradict me, he's currently sat in his hay box munching on the stuff from last night and ignoring the fresh stuff in his litter tray :roll::lol: