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Having re-located my small animal boarding business....

well done!

Thank you happybun, I enjoyed talking to you and your help and support has been invaluable. xxxx

Without the strength and guidance I have received from RU members, I feel sure that I would given up hope of managing to re-locate..... everything.

Thank you everyone. xxxxxxx
Sorry that I havent had the opportunity to catch up with you lately, but Im so pleased you are out of the tunnel.xx
Well done Mrs B, I'm so pleased for you, be proud of yourself ! I only wished I lived closer, my bunnies would love a holiday with you :lol: xx
Thanks everyone for your kind wishes. xxxx

I will try and find the time to photo the new accommodation and post the photos on this thread.

The large run/hutch combinations are made by a lovely young man who runs Odd Pots Poultry in Drakes Broughton, Nr. Pershore, Worcestershire. His website is very dated, but what he is able to make is fantastic. If you want something bespoke, he is more than happy to chat about your requirements and then all being well...build it for you. So far he gets a 10 out of 10 from me!!!! Sorry, I mean his housing gets 10 out of 10.....but he is rather cute too!!!:oops:




Update...his website was very dated, but having just had a look at it....he has been busy updating it.
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