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Has anyone attempted to make a bunny maze? U/D: piccies added!

Ha ha - thanks, they seem to like it! ....... I'll keep adding bits to it as I get my hands on more boxes etc. :D
Ooh that's brilliant - can see my mazes becoming a little more extravagant now I've seen how its supposed to be done :lol:
That's fantastic!!
If I made something like that for Riley then it would end up soggy in the garden :roll: :lol:
aaaah thats so cool! I love the way you can gfet all shapes from tescos and make a crazy maqze for the buns!
My neighbour sells avon so I always get her boxes - they great! I also have a mahoosive really thick cardboard box - its from the neighbours new dishwasher! It lasts for ever as they buns cant chew through it all very quickly & acts as their day bolt hole / luxury bed during the day!:lol: