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handling giant bunny

becky d

New Kit
i have a big french lop who loves nose rubs and cuddles on the floor, or next to me on the bed, but who gets very cross/upset about being handled. He is a house rabbit and I want to be able to take him for walks in the garden as I have with my previous bunnies but i need to put his harness on first - any tips on how to make sitting on my lap and being picked up an ok experience for him? I know it's normal for bunnies to not like these things, but he's so strong that if he struggles it's hard to hold him or calm him down, and it would be a real shame if he couldn't enjoy the garden:bunny:
If he's not comfortable being picked up I don't think I would even try a hardness to be honest. If he panicks whilst wearing one it could do a serious injury.

Could you not have a secure run in your garden instead?
French lops are beautiful, you're very lucky :)

I've heard lots of things about harnesses and although I've never used one, from what I've read, it would seem that some bunnies enjoy a walk around the garden and others just aren't as keen and some clearly hate it. That might be a bit disappointing for you at first if your lovely frenchie doesn't like the experience of a harness (handling included) because you've obviously had success in the past with other bunnies, but as we all know each bunny is very individual ;)

Perhaps have a think about ways you might be able to secure the garden so he/she can enjoy your garden on their own terms?

Good luck :) x
B is a night mare to handle,because I just dont do it unless we're off to vets.Ive made a rod for my own back really.:(
Hi Becky,

There are always lots of discussions about harnesses on here, I personally think they're fine and use them on my house buns sometimes. I have recently adopted a french lop called Darwin and put him in a harness for the first time a week or so ago (I don't have a permanent run in the garden) and thought he might like some fresh air as he was an outdoor bun at the rescue centre). He wasn't bothered by it in the slightest, and obviously I was on the other end of the lead so he wasn't ever going to get himself into trouble like people often suggest on here. Its down to personal choice.

I assume you'd have to pick him up even if you were going to put him in a run so whatever you decide with harnesses you're still going to need to pick him/her up.

My other bun, Lavender (not a french lop but almost the same size) hated being picked up to start with but they need to learn as you'll have a nightmare if they get ill (as willowholly says above). So, I forced Lavender to get used to it. To start with I picked her up every other day, then literally just put her down again and gave her a treat. I gradually increased how often I did it and how long I picked her up for. After a few months I was picking her up every day - having a look at her eyes, ears and teeth (just to get her used to me doing stuff to her). Now, she's fine, I pick her up whenever I need to (vets, medicine, eye drops, garden etc) and she doesn't kick. She doesn't like it though, she's just learned that it has to be done and she's not going to get hurt, so she always stamps her feet when I put her down, but then she stands on her back legs cos she knows she'll get a treat.

I hope it works for you too, good luck.
I forgot something, when I first started picking Lavender up I did it from kneeling on the floor so I wasn't actually picking her up far.

Also, just to say that my frenchy doesn't mind being picked up at all and loves to sit on my lap for fuss - he takes tooth purring to a different level and his whole body vibrates, then he usually falls asleep. :love: