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H4P's Timothy and Rye!!

I've been getting the timothy and rye for ages, but recently bought a bag of the ings (only had the sample before) and I'm really surprised at how much more timothy and rye you get for your money. I know they're the same weight, and I could be wrong, but it seems like the bags of timothy are significantly bigger. Anyone else noticed that?
Maybe the ings is just more compacted - will investigate when I open the bag!

Haven't tried the timothy and rye but the INGS is VERY compacted. I usually have to rip chunks off, then rip those apart to get the right amount for the trays haha.

You guys give your buns CHOICES of hay :shock: Buckley eats what he's given :lol:
As a treat he very much likes the alfalfa king timothy hay though, so I might try the H4P timothy and rye to see if he likes that :)