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Gus - not just a rabbit

I'm sorry to hear of Gus's passing.
Loosing 'the rabbit that started it all' is very hard.
Oh Lou, I actually gasped out loud when I saw this thread :cry: I am so sorry :cry: I know that there isn't really anything I can say that will help :cry: But I am certainly thinking of you

Farewell for now Gus, you will be missed so very much xx
Louise, you are right, he wasnt just a rabbit. I know how much you loved him and how hard it must be for you. He was blessed to have found the home he did with you and to have lived the most marvellous life that other buns just cannot imagine.

I am so sorry

Love to you and Boox
I'm really sorry that I've only just seen this.

I'm very sorry that you've lost Gus.

He was such a handsome boy and it's evident that he lived a life of luxury with you. He reminds me very much of my Pixie (colour & shape wise).

Sleep well Gus xx
Thanks everyone, I miss him so much. I have bonded Boo with my other pair as she really wasn't doing well alone, they seem to get on great. But is just so strange without him here :(