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Grim and Smoo - It might be their last day together :( UD Smoo has passed away :(

Thanks. :( Grim is okay for now. We're keeping going with him and letting him make his own choice. It was so hard but I know it's right. So, so hard. I will miss her so much.

We had to let one of ours go at the start of this week and we were unsure what to do with her partner - he was devoted to her and also has his own health issues - but he has really been so good - they were in a group of four and he has instantly turned to the others for support etc and I am suspecting that maybe Grin can do the same using you as support?

I am often surprised by the way in which one of a devoted couple can manage after a death - in my experience it is usually where there has been a long illness first so the partner appears to have 'prepared'.
Really sorry. RIP little Smoo. I hope you are Grim are comforting each other. Lots of hugs to you both.
I knew I would see this when I came in this morning but I find I've ill prepared myself and tears are streaming. :cry::cry::cry:
Beautiful Smoo :cry: you will be missed as deeply as you have been loved. I never met you but I can feel an aching lonliness now where you have been. Please watch over your mum and Grim from Paradise.

Jenova I'm so deeply sorry. It's not fair how illness takes our precious bunnies to this point.... That we have to say goodbye when we don't want to. You've been so brave to do this. I hope you can feel the strengthening and comforting vibes and hugs I'm sending you from me and my furry crew.

Your darling Smoo has made such an impression on me with how she fought this battle and I can honestly say she will always be loved and never forgotten. Thinking of you and Grim and keeping you both in my prayers. xxxx
Wish I could have been there to offer my support.

But growing up watching you with Lopsie is what made me make the decision to get Simba. And seeing how deeply and uncompromisingly you cared for Grim is what made me make the difficult decision to take on Dexter.
Seeing you give up a lot of time, money and care for him, getting him someone who could look after him so well, Smoo - well that's what made me get little Hicks.

You are the most wonderful and caring person I have ever met. You fight every fight even if it's just for a stray cat or a hurt seagull. I am so proud to be your sister.

I love you so much and Smoo was one hell of a bunny. She cared for Grim with such devotion it was amazing to see. And you gave her a wonderful life, no regrets, you did everything right until the very end.
She will be sorely missed xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks. :( Grim is okay for now. We're keeping going with him and letting him make his own choice. It was so hard but I know it's right. So, so hard. I will miss her so much.

:( I know. We're all here for you.

Give Grim some nose rubs from us all.