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Giant British Rabbit.

I hope you are able to find yourself the Rabbit you are looking for!

Though, one thing that's always bothered me on forums, is when they overdue the whole 'rescue' thing. I all am for the rescue of animals, I mean, most my animals have been rescued, and I volunteer at the local Animal Shelters, but when someone wants to go to a breeder for an animal, and are asking for a breeder, why push the rescue option at them? If someone wants to go to a breeder, why not help them find a responsible breeder? I know in the past when I've looked for a breeder on forums, and everyone is telling me to go to rescue, that it got annoying fast, especially when in some circumstances I do not want to get a rescued animal. While this may not bother or be the case with the OP ... just something to think about. Like I said, I'm all for rescue, but sometimes people do not wish to go that route; especially if they want to know where their animal is coming from, it's heritage, want to breed themselves, or show, etc. ;)

Actually, the first reply gave a link to rabbit breeders.

I think that sometimes people are looking for a rabbit and think the only options are a breeder or somewhere like P@H, without realising there are lovely rabbits - some of which may be eminently suitable - in rescues, looking for good homes.

With approx 35,000 rabbits looking to be re-homed, I do not think it unreasonable that people suggest looking at the rescue option.
Why can't we be tolerant of people who decide they do want to get a rabbit from a breeder.

(not that it matters now!)

Because we like to give people advice on rescuing. We still have to be nice to everyone no matter what they decide to do :wave:
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Why can't we be tolerant of people who decide they do want to get a rabbit from a breeder.

(not that it matters now!)

Georgeypudding meant that the forum doesn't support breeders in the sense that we don't allow breeders to advertise their babies for sale; breeders are welcome to join though &, likewise, people should also be polite to those who are looking to buy from a breeder, even if they don't necessarily agree. :D If ever anybody feels that members aren't being polite/tolerant then the best thing to do is bring it to our attention by reporting the post.

That doesn't mean that members aren't allowed to make other suggestions to the OP though as long as they're polite about it; which everybody in the thread has been. Many people aren't aware that rabbit rescues exist even or, if they do, may not be aware just how full those rescues are.
Georgeypudding meant that the forum doesn't support breeders in the sense that we don't allow breeders to advertise their babies for sale; breeders are welcome to join though &, likewise, people should also be polite to those who are looking to buy from a breeder, even if they don't necessarily agree. :D If ever anybody feels that members aren't being polite/tolerant then the best thing to do is bring it to our attention by reporting the post.

That doesn't mean that members aren't allowed to make other suggestions to the OP though as long as they're polite about it; which everybody in the thread has been. Many people aren't aware that rabbit rescues exist even or, if they do, may not be aware just how full those rescues are.

Yes, sorry for any confusion caused. Im totally knackered and my sentances keep coming out wrong :lol:
back to Razargh, that's really good news! all rabbits are lovely but dwarfs are better!!!!

do let us know how you get on with the rehoming process, and yes, lots of pics and questions, we likey
I think lots of people don't realise that you can even get pure bred babies from rescues - which Is why I would always recommend a rescue to anyone, lots of people really don't know how bad the rabbit situation is in the uk, or what wonderful pets are waiting behind their doors! Rescue rabbits are also cheaper, many come neutered and vaccinated for the year, for a minimal donation - much cheaper than trying to do it all yourself.

I hope nobody feels upset by our suggesting it? Many of us have bought pets from breeders/pet shops in the past, but now I know a lot more about rabbits I will never recommend anyone buy a rabbit from a pet shop - not till rescues are no longer needed.

Back to giant bunnies.... Giant buns :love::love::love:

or dwarfies... or normal sized buns... or... or... I love all the bunnies :) :love::love:

As to affordability I don't think it's much more expensive to have two rabbits than one, as long as insurance is sorted out, and vaccinations saved up for :)
I find it interesting how much different it is between areas when it comes to animals in need. I've never even seen any animal looking for a home through rescue in my area that was not a dog or cat, while it seems over in the UK & areas, you get a lot of rodents & rabbits in your shelter (among dogs & cats, and others of course). I live in Wisconsin in the USA, and we are known for country land & cows, and even if I wanted to adopt a cow or horse from a rescue, I'd have to travel hours, same for if I wanted to adopt a hamster or mouse.

I hope nobody feels upset by our suggesting it? Many of us have bought pets from breeders/pet shops in the past, but now I know a lot more about rabbits I will never recommend anyone buy a rabbit from a pet shop - not till rescues are no longer needed.

Do you mean suggesting rabbit rescue? Although this post probably isn't directed at me, just thought I'd mention I'm not upset by the suggestion, just that not everyone wants to rescue no matter how many animals may need homes. I witness the amount of cats and dogs in shelters every week by volunteering, but I still have plans to get another Miniature Schnauzer from a breeder as my next dog, ya know? I just think if one asks for a breeder, and wants to get from a breeder, I'd help them find a responsible breeder than not help at all by suggesting an option they possibly may not want to go, you know? ;)


Anyways, I don't mean to bring the topic off hand, but I just sometimes have to say something on things I read. :)roll:) Again OP, hope you are able to find the bunny you are looking for! ;)
I've got two dwarf lops coming next week. These will be my first pet anyone got any advice on how to keep them indoors?
I've got two dwarf lops coming next week. These will be my first pet anyone got any advice on how to keep them indoors?

Dwarf lops are large rabbits, my Louie is nearly as big as my cat!

Keeping them totally freerange is the best way in my opinion ;) It is also cheaper, and easier, to rabbit proof your house!

I use puppy panels around my computer and television when I'm not in the room to protect wires from sharp teeth! These are the only wires that are accessible so everywhere else is safe for Louie.

He has a littertray in the kitchen/dining room, a blanket to lie on and his food is in there also, making that his base. He sleeps wherever he feels like, usually in a doorway!
buy wire protectors! You can get sort of tube things that go around your wires :wave: wires to rabbits are tree roots, they're in the way and must be destroyed :lol:
Be aware of plants, make sure they're bunny safe
Be prepared to loose the buttons on your tv remote :lol:
As free range as you can get, a large litter tray (storage box maybe) full of hay, hay, hay and hay ;) water bowls (ceramic dog bowls) Protect your wires! A soft blanket to lie on :love:

Dwarf lops can be big like *lily* said, my Lola is small and a dwarf lop but Donny is a massive dwarf lop :lol:
I have an indoor bunny. you will also need some good litter, with 2 rabbits you will probably need to change it every day, maybe less if you have 2 litter trays. My bunny has three corner trays which i change 2/3 days, depending on how much he uses each one. i also recommend a good hoover! and if you have any carpet you are precious about, buy some cheap rubber backed rugs for while they are settling in. having a house rabbit it very rewarding and i hope you will love it as much as i do, its worth it (despite my post starting off a little negative...)