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i presume you mean the pelargonium ones? (that most peope called geraniums) yes is it pelagoniums you mean :wave:

pelargoniums are the ones you see often in pots and summer displays, so presume you mean these (unsafe)? whereas geraniums grow in ground and spread and are written as being safe under the rabbit nutrition website, though won;t let my rabbit eat these either, but they are happy munching away at the lawn, if you have any plants your unsure of can you fence them off in someway, thats what i do with the plants in nans garden in pots, when they go round to play at hers :thumb:

pelargonium - http://apps.rhs.org.uk/advicesearch/profile.aspx?pid=338

geranium - (cranesbill) http://apps.rhs.org.uk/plantselector/searchbynameresults?nm=geranium&hr=29&op=0&pn=3
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If you google "Are geraniums safe for rabbits" you'll find they are on the highly toxic list and apparently that means just one leaf can kill.
I've found lots of conflicting info so I tend to avoid pelargoniums and geraniums now. This site lists them both as safe but I've found them on the toxic lists of other places. :?
Pelargoniums are not safe but meadow cranesbill which is also sometimes called geranium is safe... I think this is why its confusing. I think the only way you can be sure of the type is if you grow meadow cranesbill yourself from seed, or are very good at identifying wild plants.
This is cranesbill (geranium platypetalum)

I feed this to our bunnies as part of their natural forage.
