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Freeads bunny... Teddy!

This is him, he's had a long journey, but is really not fazed by anything. Ive sectioned part of the garden off and put the run in that section for him so he can have a run round. He absolutely adores to be stroked, he's really confident and sooo laidback, never met a bunny like him!

He's about twice the size of Joey, he's a small frenchie but i can only just pick him up and dreamer is about the same size as his foot!! :lol:

Once you've had a frenchie in your house,you will never be without one!!:D
This is him, he's had a long journey, but is really not fazed by anything. Ive sectioned part of the garden off and put the run in that section for him so he can have a run round. He absolutely adores to be stroked, he's really confident and sooo laidback, never met a bunny like him!

He's about twice the size of Joey, he's a small frenchie but i can only just pick him up and dreamer is about the same size as his foot!! :lol:

Once you've had a frenchie in your house,you will never be without one!!:D

:lol: Here you are dont think ive posted these... will take some more this week x











He is so handsome, He looks the spit of Bramble my bunny. Pity he is a male cos i would snap him up in an instant if he was a she. hehe