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flopsy hurt her leg :(


Warren Scout
i cant belive it it was my bloody fault i feel horrible, i cried and cried my poor baby :cry: i went to take her out or her hutch and was wearin a wooly jumper and i think she must have caught her claw init so when she jumped down it must have pulled i cant think of anyother way it cud have happened :censored: she is not puttin weight on her leg its her front one but has let me touch it and look at it without movin away or doin anything, she then hopped over and started to nibble on a cabage leaf and seems fine but wont put her foot down proply, i dont no wot to do im so bloody cross with myself as i dont norm pick them up with wooly jumpers on as incase they get caught :cry::cry::cry::cry:
If she is eating and pooing fine and you can't feet anything like a break in the leg then hopefully it will just be a strain and might be better by the morning. If it doesn't get better then a vet trip I guess during the day. Or if she stops eating pooing tonight then a vet trip immediately.
well i looked at her just now she is still holdin it up but again she let me touch it and it felt ok she let me move it again and when she hops she puts it down but only on the tip of her foot and then holds it tucked up again :cry: she is eattin and poohin as norm and seems fine so i will keep lookin at her, do you theink i shud put her in the run or let her rest it?
Nutmeg did this to me once. She must have sprained it slightly, we took her to the vets, she had some painkiller and then within 24 hours she was fine. She does it on occasion if she kinda stubs it or catches the nail but then a few hours later she will be ok.
I don't want to worry you but when my bun Fudge hurt his leg he was holding it up and wouldn't put any weight on it. There was a fracture in his wrist and he's just recently had the leg amputated. He was on pain relief the whole time and continued to eat and poo normally. I would take Flopsy to the vet to have it checked to be on the safe side and cage rest her for the moment would probably be a good idea. I hope she'll be ok.
well i looked at her just now she is still holdin it up but again she let me touch it and it felt ok she let me move it again and when she hops she puts it down but only on the tip of her foot and then holds it tucked up again :cry: she is eattin and poohin as norm and seems fine so i will keep lookin at her, do you theink i shud put her in the run or let her rest it?

I wouldn't put her in the run until she is better.

If she hasn't recovered tomorrow I'd take her to the vet for a checkup, they might want to do an x-ray.