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Flopsy and his new love of hay.


Mama Doe
The other day I suddenly had a thought come to my head while I was obsessing over hay (as I normally do :oops:*) that there is one more hay that we could try which was Green Oat Hay which I believe Maysie (Tucker Bunnies) suggested. I wasn't getting my hopes up as I know what my fussy little boy is like when it comes to hay.

To my amazement he loves Green Oat hay and is able to eat it which I am really pleased. He will even let you feed him a strand by hand :shock: . For Flopsy this is a big achievement and hopefully the next step to maintaining a healthy gut with a high fibre diet as normal healthy rabbits should have. Flopsy has dental disease (His jaw does not meet up) so he suffers with tooth root pain and obviously because his teeth are not being constantly grinding as a normal rabbit's would when they eat hay, Flopsy was getting nasty spurs. Thankfully he has not had a dental since May and since then His diet has been improved (Forage, Pellets fed separately to him twice a day) So I can monitor his intake and output, His Poo's were starting to form a much better shape. Now he is eating Green oat hay and is even eating our new farm hay. (I found a great new supplier) and some of the strands are nice and soft for my boy :D*

I am so pleased! We have vaccinations in a few weeks and Flopsy is being weighed and teeth checked etc so I really hope there is some improvement.

We will be also reviewing his Metacam as I believe he needs an increase.

Here he is eating his green oat hay :D*

Does anybody know where I can get a supply of green oat hay online or in store for a good price? Thanks in advance.
Aww, he looks to be really enjoying that hay :love:

He really does, which I am so pleased about.

This means I can give a good pile and not have to worry about him starving hiself between pellet and forage feeds :D

I suppose I have just got to watch that Lily does not eat it all though, It's so difficult having one bun that has special needs in a pair.
That's great! I just got some hay samples for Scamp and that was one of his favourites, it must taste nice. He likes the oat, wheat & barley too which seemed quite similar. The Hay Experts stock it :)
That's great! I just got some hay samples for Scamp and that was one of his favourites, it must taste nice. He likes the oat, wheat & barley too which seemed quite similar. The Hay Experts stock it :)

Thanks Tamsin , I had a look and it was only 20p cheaper on The Hay Experts than it was in the pet store I bought it from. Only problem is that it's quite a journey to go just for hay. Green Oat must be nice if Flopsy approves.

Thanks Maysie , I'll check them out later on the computer :) :wave: