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Fleece Blanket for bedding?


Warren Scout
I accidentally left a fleece blanket in Alfie's bedroom, after the last trip to the vets.... he seems to like it and snuggle up with it. Is this ok? Does anyone else use a blanket?

should I stick to the conventional straw or hay for bedding?
Peppa has had a fleece blanket in her house for ages, and the other day i noticed she had chewed holes in it. So its now in the bin, and im looking for what to replace it with.I wonder if it was because it was a cheap fleece?:roll:
Sugar has left hers alone.
Ive bought a nice vet bed, for after the bonding and am going to see how that goes.
Peppa has had a fleece blanket in her house for ages, and the other day i noticed she had chewed holes in it. So its now in the bin, and im looking for what to replace it with.I wonder if it was because it was a cheap fleece?:roll:
Sugar has left hers alone.
Ive bought a nice vet bed, for after the bonding and am going to see how that goes.

I am so glad I am not the only one!! My fleece is a really fluffy one and was from the pound shop... he loves it. Fortunately he doesn't have expensive taste yet!

What is a vet bed?
Mine have fleecy blankets. My lops also have vetbed. The lions used to have vetbed but Smudge chewed it so I too kit out, they don't chew the fleece for some reason.