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evil fly


Warren Veteran
This is probably going to sound really neurotic but i think i saw a fly fly in the room tonight and i am so worried about my little boy.
I have searched for the evil fly but can not find the damn thing, i have cleaned Jimbys potty and checked his bum, do you think i need to worry? Jimby is not protected against fly strike by the way as he had a really bad reaction to the rear guard.
I do think you are over reacting somewhat.

Both my rabbits are outside with heaps of flies and neither have been rear guarded. Continue with the daily bottom check and your bunny will be fine, I am sure.

I love this forum, it is really helpful but sometimes it is very easy to let neurosis and paranoia set in as there are so many terrible tales on here.
This is probably going to sound really neurotic but i think i saw a fly fly in the room tonight and i am so worried about my little boy.
I have searched for the evil fly but can not find the damn thing, i have cleaned Jimbys potty and checked his bum, do you think i need to worry? Jimby is not protected against fly strike by the way as he had a really bad reaction to the rear guard.

Hi, if your that worried get some rearguard for him. :wave:
Thank you for your messages i am continuing with my bum checks and hoping my little boy will be ok.
Im sure he'll be fine. Iv never used any sort of flystrike protection with my buns and theyve never had a problem. Mine are in a shed and flys do sometimes go in there, and they go out in the garden or house for runs everyday so have further contact with flies. Iv heard its MAINLY buns that have messy bums, those that cant clean their back end or move much, and older buns.

If you're worrying still, have you tried other flystrike protection, like beaphar fly guard? Thats meant to work for 3 months the same as rearguard, and you can buy it from bigger pet stores such as pets at home. Its also cheaper and lasts longer (i paid £22 for a bottle of rearguard that only dose one application, wherease beaphars is about £10 and does 5 applications).
Do you know what? I actually brought the flyguard a month or so ago but have been really aprihensive abour using it on Jims as he had such a terrible reaction to the rearguard.