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emoticon's/ characters and clock


Mama Doe
How do you change how many emoticons you can use in a pm or post so that you can have more than 20? by the time you have quoted a member and typed your reply I end up deleting aload, especially if the member you are quoting has 20 emoticons, it leaves non left for yourself and so your pm or post can seem harshly written without them:?

Minimum characters allowed 5000, can this be increased at all? I know I am a rambler but having to add a 'cont....... in next pm' is as bad as texting:lol: :lol: :lol:

How the mucker do I change the clock, have tried the -1 but it puts it forward another hour for me:lol: :lol: :lol: ?
thanks Justine, sorted finally, turned the dst thing off like you suggested but what does that do exactly?:?