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eating dried cat food


New Kit
Hi, hopefully someone can give me an answer. My 3 year old French Lop (who was brought in doors due to bad weather) has taken to eating the cats dried go-cat biscuits. With the meat content will this do him any harm? I take the biscuits away but he seeks out the odd one lying about. He has Burgess nuggets and plenty hay yet he still munches away happily. Still pooing and peeing normally.
rabbits are herbivores, they're not meat eaters
there's far too much protein, carbs etc in cat/dog food that will eventually unbalance the digestive system and nutritional balance
i always try to think... would they find it in the wild?
He definitely should not eat cat food so you will need to insure that he cannot get to any.

Also, I notice he is wearing a collar. Collars on Rabbits are really very dangerous, even elasticated ones.
Thanks for replying and both replies have confirmed what I thought. Also the photos of the rabbits under my comment are not mine so I don't know why owner has put collars on them as I agree not a great idea. I must change the photos x
Sorry, but this made me giggle a little bit... We had the same situation not too long ago!
Our buns used to try to break through the safety gate to get to the cat food they loved it so much!
We've now put a safety gate across the bottom of our stairs and popped the cat food on there. Selby, our cat, is actually much happier now that he can eat in peace!!!