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Eaten duck Tape - what to do


Warren Scout

I turned my back for a couple of mins to find one of my rabbits had pulled up some duck tape and was chewing on it, I immediately took it off her but she sat there munching it. I tried to get however much out but she wasn't having it.
I've looked at the tape and found an old photo it appears in and can see there is a little missing, perhaps half a thumb nails size.

She's eaten some broccoli since and had a drink.

I am worried though, is there anything I should do / give her, other than keeping an eye on her to see her eating and pooing and that her behaviour is normal?
I could kick myself right now.

I doubt such a tiny amount will do any harm. Just keep a close eye on her input and output over the next 48 hours. Encourage her to eat lots of hay and to keep her fluid intake up :)
Yep, just keep an eye on input and output. If she stops eating or pooping then take her to a vet but to be honest I wouldn't be worried at a bun eating that much tape, for animals with such a delicate digestive system the can eat lots of funny things and be absolutely fine for it :roll: anything with wires or rubber seems to be popular!
Harribun ate a fair amount of sellotape once and was absolutely fine. Hope she's ok. Silly bunnies :roll:
Rolo has eaten everything from carpet to wires. If something new catches his eye he will have a munch. If we leave the shopping on the floor for too long, he will chew through the bags to get to whatever food he can smell, be it veg, fruit to chicken! He has the stomach of a mountain goat! Just keep and eye on bun. But bet she will be fine.


I turned my back for a couple of mins to find one of my rabbits had pulled up some duck tape and was chewing on it, I immediately took it off her but she sat there munching it. I tried to get however much out but she wasn't having it.
I've looked at the tape and found an old photo it appears in and can see there is a little missing, perhaps half a thumb nails size.

She's eaten some broccoli since and had a drink.

I am worried though, is there anything I should do / give her, other than keeping an eye on her to see her eating and pooing and that her behaviour is normal?
I could kick myself right now.


Bunnies eat all sorts of things they shouldn't, including chewing on electrical wires :shock:

It's very rare they come to any harm, but encouraging a lot of hay eating this evening will make sure it passes through as quickly as possible x
I think the good thing about bunnies is they tend to chew things up when eating them so they tend to pass through, unlike dogs for example, which seem to be able to swallow very large objects whole which is more of an issue.