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Early stages of Myxomatosis??


New Kit
Bit of background information: I was gonna be getting my bun Percy a lady friend but we noticed his third eye was a little red and pussy so I've asked the shelter if they can hold our lady friend for a little bit longer until we got him to the vet.

I noticed his eye a few days ago so i said if it wasn't better by today I'd take him to the vet tomorrow (im booking an appointment tomorrow morning) but his other eye has started to get bad now and I'm a little worried it's Myxomatosis in its early stages as I don't think there's any treatment for it, is there?

I'm probably just being a little bit overly worried but I wanted to know what you guys think!

Thanks! x
Only very recently, but when we had it done the vet didn't really check him over so I don't know if he could have had something before he was vaccinated.

How recently ?

Have you checked his genitals for any signs of swelling ?

Do his ears feel unusually hot ?

It might just be a simple case of conjunctivitis, but only an examination from a Vet can rule out a more serious problem.
Only very recently, but when we had it done the vet didn't really check him over so I don't know if he could have had something before he was vaccinated.

How recently? It could be a reaction to the vaccine ... Can you ring the vet and ask for him to be looked at soon?
Is it one or both eyes, it would be tough to tell the difference in the early stages. The vaccine offers pretty good protection but it can take a couple of weeks to kick in.
Hope the vet check goes well and it turns out to be something easily treatable :thumb: