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dumped in a box ...Thumbelina

Oh how gorgeous is she! How can someone dump her!

How about narla (looks a bit like a lionhead cross), also liking angelina or Lola from Charlie and Lola.
Ooooo...I luvs her!! What a pretty little thing! :love::love::love:

It's ok darling, Aunty Angie will find you a lovely new home and a husbun to snuggle with.

Fifi or Thumbelina I like.

o_O I was just wondering whether anyone had read those.
I've read the first one and watched the TV show :D
Briefly OT :oops: : The quality (plot) in the books tailed off spectacularly and could have been done far more effectively in fewer books. I got bored after about the fifth book... but I thought Cara really kicked... :lol:

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