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Dreading vaccinations


Mama Doe
My two are due their vaccinations next week and I am absolutely dreading it. Marbles hates going to the vet and gets herself really worked up. The vet normally examines her on the floor because she goes so crazy. She gets so frightened, thumping, heart racing, and is always off colour for a few days after any vet trips. I know it is best for them to be protected and I can't never take her to the vets, but I am worried :(

Anyone have any good advice for helping to calm a nervous bun?
Don't know if your vets do it, but would they come to you? When I was a vet nurse our vets used to do house calls to animals that didn't like the vets, or couldn't get there for whatever reason. Costs a bit more but might be worth it if you both dread it so much? Hope it all goes OK xxx
Do you have a carrier large enough to take two rather than put them in individual carriers? I find mine are better if they are together.
My babies are the same thats why for about 2 years we have had house visits for vaccinations. It is pretty pricey at £90 for them just to walk in the door, I do however feel it is worth it as it is definatly less stressfull for them.
My babies are the same thats why for about 2 years we have had house visits for vaccinations. It is pretty pricey at £90 for them just to walk in the door, I do however feel it is worth it as it is definatly less stressfull for them.

Is it £90 each or for both?
Have you tried putting a towel over the carrier? That can sometimes help calm them down :)
I'd never even thought about home visits to be honest, I'll ask my vet about it. The towel over the carrier thing is a good idea too, thank you!
I do it myself.
Can't see me going to vet's with 9 bunnies and the money!!
I get the vaccine for 20€