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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

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Does anyone know how to...U/D 22 Feb Parsleys home but not good news

Well Parsle'ys come home now but things arent all hunky dorey on thew X rays Parsley has an elongated bladder and theres some marked nerve damage to the muscles in his bladder, he's got no muscle tone to make the bladder work they've said it could b e a number of things 1 a previous incident like this so it cant be 2 damage to the spine but theres no evidence of that on X ray or 3 a result of E Cuniculi affecting his nerves which seems more likely as he has e cuniculi. SO the plan is for him to be on a steroid to help increase his muscle tone and if that doesnt work the only option is for him to be catheterised which i think we will, if it gets to that stage, seriously have to think about quality of life and whether it would be fair on Parsley but for them inute he's a springy little thing and fingers crossed these meds are going to work.

Miffy's gotta go back on Monday for another dental though grrrr we're back to syringe feeding her every hour
If the steriods don't work could the vet not teach you how to express his bladder? We have to do this with our Speedy and we did with our beloved Rufus as well. It can be done and this could help him and he wouldn't need to be catheterised :)
Well Parsely seems to be doing well he's eating lots and his bladder isnt enlarged on examining him so seems like the meds are working for now. Thats interesting about the bladder expressinh but i'm hoping it won't come to that but i'm gonna ask the vets for EVERY possible option.

Thanks everyone for the vibes :)