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Does anybody want to see Eloise's new husband? Pics on 1st post.

'cause I'm lazy and don't want to load the pictures if no one wants to see them :oops::oops:

Eloise is the harlequin and her new husband (from Bunny Camp Sanctuary) is Anakin.

I need photography lessons for black bunnies :oops: I took loads but you can only see Eloise in the pictures and a little black shadow at her side :oops:

:evil: I've uploaded the pictures into Photobucket and it's not letting me go to them... will post them when I can :evil:

Gorgeous. :love::love::love:

Taking photos of black bunnies is difficult.

He's gorgeous, he looks sooooo much like my Blackavar in these pictures - he's a black mini lop too :love:

I don't have any decent pictures of him either - he's either a draught excluder, blob or can't be seen at all :roll:

If you learn the art of photographing black bunnies, please send the tips my way!! :thumb:
Thanks everybody.

I peeped out of the back door today to see if these two were sat together and she was in the open bit and he was nowhere to be seen, felt a bit sad they weren't snuggling but as soon as she saw me she went to fetch him to let him know human was bring food :love::love: I wasn't however bringing food, just having a sneaky peek :lol: ... had to go find some treats for them as they had their little faces pressed against the mesh.

Strangely I was bracing myself for him stirring up emotions about Artie but as they are living in the hutch Binky and Shadow used to share and they are dark and light, I'm getting all nostalgic about Shadow climbing all over his brother for treats.:cry: Eloise is still desperate for cuddles whenever I open the hutch as well, I was expecting her to not be bothered anymore.
Lovely :love:

I know what you mean about black buns :roll: the only way to get clear shots is lots of natural light and no flash... And if they move at all you get a blur :evil: they are beautiful though :love: